
The quotes below were obtained from e-mails, social media posts, other online posts, and handwritten letters. Teacher, faculty, and student names are not provided at this time except for those I could reach at the time this was posted. This is not a comprehensive list as some correspondences included confidential information.


Martin, I see that when you say yes that you jump in and follow through. What I appreciate about that is that you are your word. What that reveals to me is that you are determined and have integrity. You are the greatness of choice and integrity. Posted chat, January 2022 Nurtured Heart Training

During Dr. Karp’s tenure, our community celebrated great educational achievements: the construction of the new Miami Beach Senior High building, the new South Pointe Elementary annex, the rebuilding of the Fienberg-Fisher campus, and two new buildings at Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8. He is a person with integrity, moral character and menschlichkeit. Rabbi Eliot Pearlson, D. Min

I am so proud that you are Vice-Chairman of the School Board and that a person with your integrity and knowledge is serving the public. You have the ability to impact our children in a very positive way and you are truly making a difference in the lives of so many people every day. Sean M. Clancy

When I came to this country not knowing the language, you were the one person in our class who didn’t tease me and was kind and caring. Sally Michaels (elementary school classmate)

I remember when I moved to Florida and came to school, you were the first person to greet me, and you treated me nicely. Marlene Bedzow (elementary school--2 grades lower)

When you think of the ideal Civil Servant everyone would like to see run for public office but rarely does, and then comes along Dr. Martin Karp. Karp who has the pedigree and temperament and long successful career on the School Board and shows a willingness to return to serve, it's a blessing and answer to parents' prayers. Dr. Martin Karp is a man of honor. Leslie J. Feldman

Martin Karp is one of the kindest, committed, and of true integrity, that I am blessed to know. Rabbi Avrohom Lipszyc

During my time as Government Affairs Director for a children's nonprofit, I witnessed you making fair and impartial votes at the school board. Clifford Brazier Government Affairs Director

Dr. Karp walks the walk. He is committed and has the BEST interests of our children and community at heart. Rabbi Avi-Alan R. Levy

Martin, you are irreplaceable and will be sorely missed. Thank you for the endless energy and creativity you brought to the Board and the students and parents whose lives you enhanced. Mazel Tov and best wishes on your future endeavors. Aaron Rubin

You are an inspiration to us all. Brian Farrell

Thank you for all you have done for the students and the community, and as a result, home values. 😀. Good luck in all your future endeavors. Lori Fein

Dr. Karp, It's always a pleasure to have you as a guest speaker at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club.  You bring us lots of good information highlighted by your enthusiasm for your job.  You are the best!   David Kelsey

We are honored to have you as our representative.  Bob Welsh

You make us proud.  Your presence as a School Board Member is a great blessing.  You have accomplished more in your very young life, than most people attain in a full lifetime ... considering our aging population...70s, 80s, 90s. Wishing you and your family good health, love, success, and much laughter in your life journey, Vivian Matallana

Your leadership and support of the TRUST program speaks volumes about your concern for the children in Miami Dade. May God Bless you, for all your efforts serving as an advocate for those troubled kids in our community that desperately need help Gloria Mesa, Purchasing Dept. TILES & STONES, INC.

I continue to be extremely impressed with your leadership and dedication toward improving the lives of our children. Warm regards, David Faulkenberry FBMC Benefits Management

Dear Dr. Karp, You could’ve fooled us! To a room filled with 250 community educators, it seemed as if you had an extensive background in community education. Your remarks showed great insight as to the need for an educational system that provides opportunity for all its stakeholders, regardless of age. Thank you for your magnanimous effort in accommodating the Coalition and our affiliates. Those who attended our event have ended the school year on a high note. Their work has been validated by the essence of your comments, as they strive to build strong, cohesive communities with the schoolhouse as their center. With great appreciation, Lynne Kaplan Miami-Dade Coalition for Community Education

On behalf of the Miami-Dade Consumer Services Department, I would like to express our sincerest appreciation and gratitude to you for the wonderful contribution that you made at the National Consumer Protection “Consumer Showdown” production at the William H. Turner Technical Arts High School. Everyone was exceptionally impressed with your charismatic presentation. Numerous students and faculty members complimented us on a fantastic program and we have you to thank for that. I sincerely thank you for your unwavering commitment to promoting consumer education and awareness. Your resolve and leadership make a real and positive difference in the lives of Miami-Dade County citizens. Thank you for exemplifying the best in public service. Cordially, Leonard Elias, Esq. Consumer Advocate

Dear Mr. Karp, THANK YOU for supporting counselors and helping students to continue receiving much needed guidance and counseling services.  Sincerely, Dr. Josefina Estrella

Dr Karp, It is indeed reassuring to know that there is someone in the system that sees our children as a priority. I wish you continued success in all that you endeavor to do for our future. Thank you. Kirk Dobson Parkcreek Surgery Ctr.Materials Manager

Dear Dr. Karp, I appreciate your time in talking with me and I volunteered with renewed enthusiasm yesterday. In fact, I am going to increase my hours. Judy Wurtman

I have known Mr. Martin Karp for several years. Mr. Karp is a very caring and generous person who is always willing to help others. I always see him once a month cleaning the canal with a pool net and sometimes in a kayak. I am very grateful for him and his family who helped me during COVID. I had COVID and Mr. Karp and his wife came to my house and brought me food. Sincerely Gustavo Valdes, neighbor

Hi Martin, I am very happy that I was able to meet you last night. You are a tremendous asset to our public school system and all the students. Mike Parker Michael Parker, CLU Senior Vice President Kahn-Carlin & Co., Inc

Good Morning, Dr. Karp, Just sending you this friendly e-mail saying thanks for all your support with our children here in Miami-Dade County. You are truly a Child Advocate. Love working with you in the past, and look forward to working with you this school year Thank You and May God Bless You Always. Sharon Frazier-Stephens

Dr. Karp, On behalf of the students who went to the Rally in Tally I want to say Thank you, you are always so supportive of the students and parents in this community. The students had such a wonderful opportunity and it would not have been possible without you. Warm Regards, Maria Maria Kramer

Mr. Karp: Thank you for your interest and active participation in making MDCPS a stronger, productive organization of professionals committed to our children. Steve Vajda

Dear Dr. Karp: Thank you for being conscientious. Keep up the good work. Susan Marie Kairalla

Martin....you are phenomenal. I love your passion and your desire to make change. Karen Rivo

Your remarks were right on target. Leslie Coller

Dr. Karp, I hope this email finds you well. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you at the ATM induction ceremony. Your speech conveyed a very important message. I was very impressed with your insight and your ability to humble yourself despite your many accomplishments. All the best, Patrick