
The quotes below were obtained from e-mails, social media posts, other online posts, and handwritten letters. Teacher, faculty, and student names are not provided at this time except for those I could reach at the time this was posted. This is not a comprehensive list as some correspondences included confidential information.


The school is so much better since you came here. You're amazing. 6th grade student, 2022-23 school year

As a teacher myself, I can only wish that someday my students have such a great impression of me in years to come like the one I have of you. Thank you! Class ’90-‘91

Looking back at the schedule you guys set up for teaching, it was so innovative and you are probably in large part responsible for my love for learning. I have a baby now and I hope I can recreate that love for learning in her. Again, thank you for your service to the kids, you shaped a great many lives.

Hey, Dr. Karp, I appreciate you Dr. Karp thank you for impacting my life and giving me the chance to stay in the program. I appreciate that sir and you shaped my life and til this day I remember the type of caring and accepting person you were.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a nicer person. Thank you so much. 4th grade student, 2021-2022 school year

Hi. The purpose of this e-mail is not just to reminisce but to tell you how great a teacher I thought you were when I was your student and to inform you that some of your former gifted students, me included, have put together a group on Facebook in your honor.

I’ve been noticing the great job you’ve been doing and it doesn’t surprise me you’re a great educator and not to mention an incredible person.

Hello, I need to thank one of the most inspiring teachers I had as a child. I look at myself now, four days before I graduate and I can’t tell you how thankful I am to have had you as a teacher. I know it was in elementary, but it made an impact in my life. It was great to know that people believed in me even though I didn’t believe in myself. I just needed to thank you for the support and guidance you gave me as a child.

Dr. Karp!! You really were a great teacher.

Hello Dr. Karp, I will never forget you as one of my best teachers (honestly). I will be following your footsteps.

You did an amazing job and left a wonderful impression on my life. Thank you.

Hello Dr. Karp, Hope life finds you well. I'm not really sure why I'm writing to you. I guess to thank you. I guess to let you know that you made a difference and that I really appreciate the hard work and creativity you put into the Gifted Program at Biscayne Elementary. I can honestly say that from a student's perspective that was about the coolest time I ever had at school. Your love really shone through and I appreciate it. I appreciate your patience with me and not kicking me out when someone else was pushing for it. I felt like you took the time to understand me and I always respected you for it. You come to mind often these days. Maybe it's because I have a daughter of my own (5 years old) and I see how everything is so standardized and lacking life in the school system. Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much if I hadn't experienced your method of teaching. I contacted you a few years back and we spoke on the phone and I never followed up with you. Always bothered me and felt like I would always regret it if I never did. But here we are. You aren’t dead yet, nor am I. Would love to hear back from you.

Journalists can affect lives the same way you have affected mine! Without you as a teacher, I would not be where I am today. We wrote a story and got it published in our second grade Gifted class, I don't know if you remember it as well as I do. It was the first time I got my work published, and it was most definitely not the last. Thank you for that opportunity. I want to also thank you for your constant support and appreciation for myself and my family. We support and appreciate you as well. 

Dear Dr. Karp, Thank you for helping me build my dreams!

Dear Dr. Karp, The past years not only were you a great teacher; you were also kind of like a friend. If I needed something you’d always be there.

Dear Dr. Karp, You are a real inspiration. My years at the Gifted Program have propelled me to what I am today. I recently re-read, “Tucker’s Countryside.” As Tucker did put it, “And I’ve got it!” as he jumped in the air. That’s how I feel now, and I must say for that you played a major role. Thank you so much. There is no way I can repay you.


Thank you for your service to MDCPS and all that you have done for us teachers and students. Adam Bernstein

I am stunned. Please tell Dr. Karp that my students thank him, I am sure my principal will thank him, and this very grateful adviser (with some tears in her eyes) thanks him. I don’t know what else to say.

Dr. Karp, I liked what you said to my students in the office.  "We are a team.  Together, we will solve the problem." In saying that, you empowered those children.  They all beamed, realizing that they have a voice in making a difference.  Few words, potent lesson. Warm Regards.

All you’ve done was beyond remarkable. You are soft spoken, but a loudly passionate person. You have set the bar very high for whomever sits on the board in your place. Congratulations on all the amazing things your tenure on that school board accomplished.

I just wanted to thank you for your service & all you’ve done for your schools, including Krop of course. You are loved & appreciated.

You led with great heart. Intellect, and passion!  You made an incredible impact on this community and in the lives of so many. I am proud of all your accomplishments and proud to call you a friend.

I’m so proud of you, you make such a difference in this world that we live in and all of your initiatives were so right on, so important so crucial and meaningful! It’s an honor to know you and to be your friend.

Thank you so much for all of your support. Our parents know it was your support that helped us through these tough times.

Thank you, Dr. Karp, and congratulations on a well-run career as a school board member.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the hard work you have exhibited. I would also like to thank you for defending and standing up for the voices that some people seem to forget, the voices of the students.

I thank you as your behavior is always that of a true professional.

I watched the entire School Board Meeting and was so happy when YOU TOOK A STAND!  Many thanks!

I watched the entire meeting.  You were FANTASTIC! Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you for such a speedy response. That's why you are the best! Have a God blessed day and keep on, keepin' on!

Thank you for your encouragement and assistance throughout the years - you have been amazing! Doug Doug Burris

Dr. Karp, Let me begin by thanking you for your service on the board, but especially your commitment to excellence in Science. I have had the pleasure of working with you at the STEAM Expo as well as the awards banquet. It was a pleasure getting to meet you and working with you in our shared areas of involvement. 

Dear Dr. Karp, Thank you for your years of service to the children and families of MDCPS and all that has been accomplished under your direction  and support.

Dear Dr. Karp, I want to thank you for all that you have done... for me, my family, and our larger community.  I admire you greatly.

Dear Dr. Martin Karp Thank you for doing a wonderful job in making sure our children get the education they deserve. You’re the best.

Dr. Karp, I just wanted to say thank you for both reading and responding to my concerns (and so quickly). I am very impressed as a taxpayer and as an employee to see someone that actually takes the time to make everyone feel like they are being heard. Thanks again for taking the time to show that you care!

Dr. Dr. Karp, I appreciate your obvious concern for this and all matters I bring to you. I have never had a board member get back to me as quickly as you (and your staff members) always manage to do. I just wanted you to know that even though all you hear is complaints, your prompt attention to my concerns is greatly appreciated. You are doing a great job for all of us up here at NMB.

Thank you for looking out for your teachers.

God bless you and maintain your strength and wisdom.

Dear Dr. Karp, I attended several Holocaust Summer Institutes with Dr. Kassenoff, and had the pleasure of hearing you speak, albeit briefly, and seeing your strong support for and dedication to public education in that domain.  And of course, I often heard your remarks, comments, and proposals during many MDCPS Board Meetings on the radio - always presented gently, but with a solid core and aimed at lifting education to the next higher level.

Your accomplishments are manyfold and impressive, so as an educator I wanted to express my gratitude and recognition for all that you have done for us teachers and for our students, and for the community of Miami as a whole. Thank you for the many years that you have guided, challenged, and inspired us all. I feel I have become a better educator under the leadership of this Board and its Superintendent.

Thanks so much for caring for the educators who have been working hard for over 23 years.

Dear Dr. Karp, You have been such an asset to our community. It's incredible how much you've accomplished during your tenure. Your contributions are appreciated. You have always been an advocate for public education. I've listened to Miami-Dade School Board meetings feeling proud that you were always there to represent District 3. It was clear how much you cared and how respected you were. You have quite a legacy to be proud of! Thank you for everything you've done. 

I want to thank you for all your hard work and dedication.  My favorite is bringing awareness of the animals and students together. As we know how important they are in our community and families.

Hello, You are so Professional and so very Kind.

Good Morning Dr. Karp, It meant so much to me and my parents to know that someone from your prominence had taken the time out to personally visit and see what we were dealing with first-hand. Dr. Karp, your visit and prompt response is something that I will forever be grateful for. It is my pleasure to work here in this district and at this school. I look forward to many more successful years.

Your services are appreciated. Thank you for fighting on behalf of students and educators.

Dr. Karp, Thank you for your incredible leadership and fair representation of all of us on the School Board.  I always felt that you held our interests in mind and that you supported us completely.

Good morning, Dr. Karp, You have been an amazing educator and leader always willing to support the needs of others to build a highly effective educational system.

You have been nothing short of an incredible asset to the entirety of the community and have not just made an impact, but a tremendous difference in the lives of so many. 

Thank you for putting our students’ wellbeing first. Your tenure and leadership will have a lasting impact on generations to come. Thank you again for your service.

I appreciate the work that you did on behalf of the community. But more than that I cherish the friendship that was forged throughout the years.

Good evening, I want to send my sincere appreciation for your time and work.  As I listened to the Board Meeting last night and into early morning, I was and am very grateful for your commitment to our community.  Thank you.

Hi Dr. Karp, It is comforting to know that someone with such integrity and insight is representing our district. 

Hello Dr. Karp, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for devoting time at our school and, in particular, for delighting my class with your very pleasant visit. The visibility of a leader is a trait that I highly value. I appreciate your efforts to be present in order to witness the realities faced by the dedicated folks who serve the children of our great school district. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for investing in the most critical aspect of quality public education – the teachers.

Your leadership in bringing home this referendum will make a quality difference in teachers' lives and in the lives of their dependent children. By relieving financial pressure, you will allow us to focus more on our students and will see the results in our faces and in our classrooms.

My students and I would like to thank you for your visit. We appreciate the fact that you took time from a busy day to explain some of the facets of public education that affect us. Often, we want to be a part of the solution, but don’t know the how.  You took us a great step in that direction, and you were warm, open and honest. We especially appreciate that.

Dr. Karp, Your care for our students will enable me to be more creative and effective as I teach my second graders, not only for the remainder of this year, but for years to come.

Hello Dr. Karp, You don't know how refreshing it is for me to see a leader who stays close to those whom he serves. I thank you for all that you do on behalf of our students.

Your leadership and professional actions have spoken volumes in regard to our children and this community.

May G-D continue to bless you and keep you in a position to be a "voice" for all our children!


Dear Dr. Karp, Once in a while in the miraculous journey called life, someone comes along, someone who just naturally makes everyone feel a little happier, a little more alive. You have been that someone to me. You’ve given me a new perspective on a lot of things, including myself. There are things you have said to me I’ll always remember and ways you’ve helped me I’ll never forget. Thanks for being the wonderful, exceptional person you are. You are an inspiration to me and I am very glad and grateful that you have come into my life. May God bless you tremendously! I only wish Damien (son) ) will grow up to be just like you! Love, Margaret Seepersad

Thank you for enriching our lives. We will always treasure you in our hearts! Belinda Rodriguez

Dear Dr. Karp: I’m glad way back then you recommended that Cristina go the end-of-year trip for your gifted students. And I’m even more delighted that I was able to be with you, the parents and the students on this trip…I had fun, lots of it…it also gave me a reason to write my own journal…albeit a “poetic journal!” Enclosed please find the poems written during that trip. Again, my heartfelt thanks for your work with Cristina this year. You’ve done a most excellent job and it shows! Sincerely, Mr. Liony Batista

Dr. Karp’s office is extremely responsive. Rebecca Carter

I had the honor and privilege of seeing your work firsthand while I represented Treasure Island Elementary School on Miami Beach's Quality of Education Committee a few years ago. I applaud your incredible commitment and dedication to our children. Your accomplishments are so admirable and your impact is great.  Having my son in public school was a completely new experience for me.  From the very first time I met you, you were warm and approachable. You made a HUGE school system feel welcoming and tight knit. It was not only tight knit, but well-run. Susan Stern

Dear Martin, I want to thank you with all the love a mother can muster!  Thank you for your understanding, kindness and assistance. Judy Judy Schaechter, M.D.

Thank you for your work on improving our children’s education. Sherrie Marbin

Dear Martin, It was really great to see you at the award assembly.  Every time we see your smiling face, you give us such a level of comfort, that I just cannot describe.  I always know that everything will be O.K. You're the best. Sincerely, Dana Dana Turken, Parent and Co-Founder, Jennifer Beth Turken Heart Award

I really just wanted to give you a quick update…and tell you how thankful I am for all your help. You have always made yourself available to us (PTSA) and been willing to help and take things on for us. People like you are a blessing among us. Nora Cacciamani, PTSA

Good Morning, First and foremost, I wanted to thank you for all of the amazing opportunities that you have provided to our district as our School Board Member. We will be forever grateful for all of your hard work and dedication. Lourdes West

I want to let you know that I shared with everyone just how hard you fight for us all here on MB. You have a supporter in me always, I know it is a tough job. Thank you for having the courage to do what you do. I wanted to shoot a quick thank you recap email from PTSA:) Regards, Beth Beth Edwards, PTA/PTSA President

I appreciate all you do for our youth and your support of our work. Steve Rios

Congrats to both of you for telling it like it is! Thank you for truly watching the interests of our children. Marilyn Spiegel Legislative Chair, Dade County PTA/PTSA

We really appreciate all your efforts to maintain creativity at Beach High. Dr.Eliane Keane Associate Professor-Mathematics, Miami Dade College

Dr Karp I don’t know how to thank you. You have been so helpful. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lourdes Ermani

I know it’s so tough but thanks for making the children a priority. Keep up the good work. Eileen Segal, President, Dade County Council PTA/PTSA

I have regained confidence in the public school system. After speaking with you [sic], I am now able to see things from a different perspective. Our meeting today, and the events that have taken place over the last few weeks have brought to light the fact that I need to make more time for my son. Again, thank you for your help. It is well appreciated. Name withheld

Dear Dr. Karp, Your words were very thought provoking and you sent a perfect message to the students. Your presence helped to make the evening a memorable occasion for all involved. Sincerely, Marcia Stein

We spoke about honoring you at our annual Krop fundraiser, which is taking place Thursday, April 16, 2015.  I cannot think of a more appropriate person to honor.  You have helped many of the children who attend Krop throughout elementary and middle schools and now at Krop, too.  As the chair of this event, it would be great to be able to publically thank you for all that you have done for the children in northeast Dade County.  You have helped our children with all of your time and effort.  As PTA President at VABHOE I learned what a huge difference you made at our schools.  Please accept our offer to be honored at our event. Take care, Mindi Mindi U. Ratner

Dr. Karp, Thank you for your continued support, hands-on involvement and for keeping your door open to us. We know we can count on you to be our voice within the School Board. Faiza Liban

Dear Dr. Karp, As always, you represent MDCPS in the highest level of integrity. Sincerely, Diane Landsberg

Dear Dr. Karp: I confirmed once more how accessible, available, reachable, and resourceful you are. I look forward to a continued communication between parents and educators in pursuit of good quality education and a healthy learning environment for our children. Happy New Year Sincerely, Laura Pachter de Kuzak

Dear Dr. Karp: Thank you for your courageous stand… today.  The alternatives that you presented were reasonable and should still be explored. Very warm regards, Ivelisse Castro DCC PTA/PTSA President

Hello Mr. Karp, My name is Monique Patino-Jimenez and I would like to say THANK YOU! I was at yesterday’s Rally in Tallahassee and I was able to briefly meet you. I have five kids in the public school system ranging in the ages of eight to thirteen. I represent Palmetto Middle, Glades Middle, Vineland K-8 Center, and Kendale Elementary. I would simply like to tell you from the bottom of my heart a big thank you for caring for our kids. Thank you for showing your support yesterday and trying to do what is best for our kids. Sincerely, Monique Patino-Jimenez

While we still have serious reservations about sending our daughter to the annex building, we were pleased to know that our family helped elect an honest, dedicated educator to our school board. Mrs. Regina Balzan

I am always proud to shake your hand and to know that you represent my family on the school board. As a resident of Miami-Dade County I know that we are truly blessed to have you as a board member. I deeply appreciate all of the hard work that you do, much of it unseen by the public, for my daughter and for the rest of the children of this county. What you do matters. Kindest Regards, Michael Jon Littman

Thank you, Martin.  You're the best. Dana Turken

Dear Dr. Karp: I am still touched by the care and affection I have received in the past few weeks by you and your staff.   Barbara Menendez

We truly appreciate all you do for the schools! Stacey Felder

Thank you so much for your actions at Wednesday's Board Meeting. You are truly a hero. I support and applaud you. I admire you for your honesty and dedication to the children. Thank you, Jesus Garcia Montessori Magnet Parent at Joella C Good Elementary School

Dr. Martin Karp, Thank you once again for your whole-hearted interest in our schools and our community. Sincerely, Beny Rub MD

Good morning, Dr. Karp. Thank you for your continued support. We couldn't do it without you. Sincerely, Diane Shapiro DLJK8 PTSA

Dear Dr. Karp,  I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to you and your amazing staff, especially Miss Maria Delgado, for all your assistance in my family's time of need. Your actions went above and beyond all expectations and we are forever grateful. John, Sandra and especially Isabella Moreno.


Dear Dr. Karp, I hope all is well. Our class would like to personally thank you for taking the time to speak with us this week. Your insight, experience, and wisdom helped to deconstruct some of the complex issues that face our county and our school. Thank you for bringing large issues to a student body deeply concerned about the well-being of our school and our education. Below are thank you notes from our individual staff members and our adviser. 

Dear Dr. Karp, First off, your answers are absolutely amazing! Thank you for the time you put into them. Most people would not care if the story was straight or not, but you made sure you had the right information before deadline!

Thank you for being a fantastic representative for our school and for really taking these large issues and explaining them in a way where we could really see their effects on our student body. 

Thank you, Dr. Karp so much for coming into our class and speaking on Miami Dade's school policy. I was enlightened by the complexity of the system, the different levels, and school funding.

Dear Dr. Karp, Thank you so much for taking the time to come to our class and give us insight on the various issues affecting Miami-Dade County Schools.

Thank you, Dr. Karp for such an intellectual and informative talk. It really brightened my spectrum of the rules and processes of the Miami-Dade Public School System.

Thank you so much for your kindness and time, I really enjoyed asking questions and getting answers from someone that can really make a difference in my daily life.

You inspired me that even I can reach my goal if I really focus hard. You also have lots of things to do.

Dear Dr. Karp, I’m so happy and grateful to have served alongside you on the Board. Student Advisor to the School Board

Dear Dr. Karp, I really respect all the things you do and I appreciate your guidance and assistance this year. Student Advisor to the School Board


Thank you for your commitment, Dr. Karp Brickell Homeowners Associate Administration

We have an outstanding group of candidates here and we wish them all well as they seek to fill the very big shoes that our own Dr. Marty Karp leaves! Elaine Adler, Aventura Marketing Council

Dear Martin: You are a true friend.  The students in our schools and the entire County of Dade are blessed to have you as their leader. Thank you! Mark J. Gordon

“I came to see what a true “mentsch” you are. You are one of the kindest most caring human beings I’ve encountered. Not only are you a devoted husband and father, but your concern for all the community has been unusually strong.” “You are an inspiration to me and to so many people. Thank you for everything you’ve done to make our community a better place.” Adele Sandberg, Ear Peace Save Your Hearing Foundation, Miami

We value your strong stand for righteousness and goodness. Very sincerely, Sholom D. Lipskar Rabbi, The Shul

On behalf of our Hi-Tide and Miami Dade District Community, I would like to say Thank You to Dr. Martin Karp and Assistant Jerold Blumstein for your dedication and leadership rendered to all the stakeholders of our great school.  Dale M. Sims

Dr. Karp  On behalf of my family, congregation, and the entire South Florida Jewish Community, we would like to thank you for helping to facilitate Kosher meals for our children. The Talmud writes how vital children's education is in the eyes of G-d. Thank you for nourishing their bodies while their souls get enriched.  We are so grateful and owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude. Wishing you all the best! Rabbi Yehoshua Sova Rabbi-Shaare Ezra Sepharadic Congregation- Miami Beach

We are grateful for your continued support of The Education Fund and your belief in what we do for MDCPS. But, most of all, thank you for pushing through all of your innovative, cost-effective ideas to help improve our school system. You are quite the visionary, and that is just the type of person we need to lead this district and make it a better place for our children to succeed. We are big supporters of you and your issues and will continue to advocate for you as a board member. You are a true role model. Thank you for making a difference in so many lives. Kindest regards, Stacey Stacey de la Grana Director of Special Projects The Education Fund

Dear Dr. Karp: We were all especially impressed with your efforts to make the Miami Schools an "Adoption Friendly" workplace Kind regards, Barbara Smith MiamiCAN Advocacy Director Foster Care Review


Martin, I see that when you say yes that you jump in and follow through. What I appreciate about that is that you are your word. What that reveals to me is that you are determined and have integrity. You are the greatness of choice and integrity. Posted chat, January 2022 Nurtured Heart Training

You are an inspiration to us all. Brian Farrell

Martin, you are irreplaceable and will be sorely missed. Thank you for the endless energy and creativity you brought to the Board and the students and parents whose lives you enhanced. Mazel Tov and best wishes on your future endeavors. Aaron Rubin

Thank you for all you have done for the students and the community, and as a result, home values. 😀. Good luck in all your future endeavors. Lori Fein

Dr. Karp, It's always a pleasure to have you as a guest speaker at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club.  You bring us lots of good information highlighted by your enthusiasm for your job.  You are the best!   David Kelsey

We are honored to have you as our representative.  Bob Welsh

You make us proud.  Your presence as a School Board Member is a great blessing.  You have accomplished more in your very young life, than most people attain in a full lifetime ... considering our aging population...70s, 80s, 90s. Wishing you and your family good health, love, success, and much laughter in your life journey, Vivian Matallana

Your leadership and support of the TRUST program speaks volumes about your concern for the children in Miami Dade. May God Bless you, for all your efforts serving as an advocate for those troubled kids in our community that desperately need help Gloria Mesa, Purchasing Dept. TILES & STONES, INC.

I continue to be extremely impressed with your leadership and dedication toward improving the lives of our children. Warm regards, David Faulkenberry FBMC Benefits Management

Dear Dr. Karp, You could’ve fooled us! To a room filled with 250 community educators, it seemed as if you had an extensive background in community education. Your remarks showed great insight as to the need for an educational system that provides opportunity for all its stakeholders, regardless of age. Thank you for your magnanimous effort in accommodating the Coalition and our affiliates. Those who attended our event have ended the school year on a high note. Their work has been validated by the essence of your comments, as they strive to build strong, cohesive communities with the schoolhouse as their center. With great appreciation, Lynne Kaplan Miami-Dade Coalition for Community Education

On behalf of the Miami-Dade Consumer Services Department, I would like to express our sincerest appreciation and gratitude to you for the wonderful contribution that you made at the National Consumer Protection “Consumer Showdown” production at the William H. Turner Technical Arts High School. Everyone was exceptionally impressed with your charismatic presentation. Numerous students and faculty members complimented us on a fantastic program and we have you to thank for that. I sincerely thank you for your unwavering commitment to promoting consumer education and awareness. Your resolve and leadership make a real and positive difference in the lives of Miami-Dade County citizens. Thank you for exemplifying the best in public service. Cordially, Leonard Elias, Esq. Consumer Advocate

Dear Mr. Karp, THANK YOU for supporting counselors and helping students to continue receiving much needed guidance and counseling services.  Sincerely, Dr. Josefina Estrella

Dr Karp, It is indeed reassuring to know that there is someone in the system that sees our children as a priority. I wish you continued success in all that you endeavor to do for our future. Thank you. Kirk Dobson Parkcreek Surgery Ctr.Materials Manager

Dear Dr. Karp, I appreciate your time in talking with me and I volunteered with renewed enthusiasm yesterday. In fact, I am going to increase my hours. Judy Wurtman

Hi Martin, I am very happy that I was able to meet you last night. You are a tremendous asset to our public school system and all the students. Mike Parker Michael Parker, CLU Senior Vice President Kahn-Carlin & Co., Inc

Good Morning, Dr. Karp, Just sending you this friendly e-mail saying thanks for all your support with our children here in Miami-Dade County. You are truly a Child Advocate. Love working with you in the past, and look forward to working with you this school year Thank You and May God Bless You Always. Sharon Frazier-Stephens

Dr. Karp, On behalf of the students who went to the Rally in Tally I want to say Thank you, you are always so supportive of the students and parents in this community. The students had such a wonderful opportunity and it would not have been possible without you. Warm Regards, Maria Maria Kramer

Mr. Karp: Thank you for your interest and active participation in making MDCPS a stronger, productive organization of professionals committed to our children. Steve Vajda

Dear Dr. Karp: Thank you for being conscientious. Keep up the good work. Susan Marie Kairalla

Martin....you are phenomenal. I love your passion and your desire to make change. Karen Rivo

Your remarks were right on target. Leslie Coller

Dr. Karp, I hope this email finds you well. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you at the ATM induction ceremony. Your speech conveyed a very important message. I was very impressed with your insight and your ability to humble yourself despite your many accomplishments. All the best, Patrick


Martin Karp did a great job while he was on the School Board. Sen. Ronald Silver, Democrat, often referred to as the “former Dean of the Florida Senate”

I want to congratulate you on a distinguished career on the School Board...you did a tremendous job and stellar service. Jerry Libbin, former Miami Beach Commissioner, President and CEO, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce

Dear Vice-Chair Karp, I personally value your commitment to our school. You handle every complicated detail with dignity and grace. Your professionalism and enthusiasm are contagious. and in a separate correspondence… You gave a great talk today…the students have remarkable respect for you and your message was clear, simple, and right to the point.  Congratulations. Ileene Ileene Wallace, Mayor

Echoing the chorus of praise and thanks to Dr. Karp for your service to our District! Commissioner Dana Goldman

Thank you, Martin, for your outstanding service. Rep. Joe Geller

Thank you, Dr. Karp. You have been an inspiration to all of us. Commissioner Gladys Mezrahi

Dr. Karp, you have made all of us that know you proud! Thank you! Phyllis Smith, Commissioner

Thanks for your never-ending help and dedication, Marty. David L. Templer, Commissioner

I appreciate your concern and leadership. Paul Paul Novack, former Mayor

I loved working with you and your schools. Sally Heyman, Miami-Dade County Commissioner

Now serving my second term as Aventura City Commissioner, I have interacted with hundreds of politicians and government officials. Martin Karp, the Miami-Dade School Board member for District 3, is one of the most genuine…his commitment to student achievement was obvious and serious…Martin Karp is an open book. He genuinely cares about our kids. Zev Auerbach, Aventura Vice Mayor


I have so much respect for you.   Your devotion and your commitment to your community, I always told you that was really, always incredible. And to me, you have been a role model for what a father should be. Thank you so much for doing so much for education, but more than that, being an incredible representative of what true fathership is. Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D., Superintendent, Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Dr. Karp, You exemplify the very best in our community and I continue to look forward to improving MDCPS under your leadership. Sincerely, Alberto Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District

Dear Dr. Karp, As taxpayers and residents of Miami-Dade County, my family and I have always felt very lucky to be represented by someone like you having the credentials, value system, knowledge, experience, sensitivity, and wisdom to tackle a myriad of issues as Board Member.  It has also been an honor to be of service to you as Assistant School Board Attorney during your terms of service to Miami-Dade County residents.  Sincerely, Ana Craft Assistant School Board Attorney

You have worked so hard for our community. Dr. Alice Quarles

Hi Dr. Karp: I can’t begin to express my deepest gratitude for everything that you have done for the students, teachers, programs, and me personally through the years! Your support and leadership will have a profound impact on the school district for years to come! Your seat will be replaced, but you never will be. With great respect and admiration, Jayne Dr. Jayne Greenberg

I have to tell you how remarkable and caring you are by showing unconditional care...I must tell you how much I respect you and all that you have done for MDCPS. Andy Pierre-Louis Region Director

Dr. Karp— Thank you for your professionalism, respect and countless years of service for the children of Miami-Dade. Marie Izquierdo Chief Academic Officer

Dear Dr. Karp, You have had such a positive impact on district and school initiatives, but truly on so many individuals…including me. I have been honored to work with you as a Principal, Region Director and District Administrator. Your never-ending support and collaboration through the years has been so appreciated and I have always admired your vision and true humanity to find what is best for children, staff, parents, and community. Sincerely, Sally Alayon

You have achieved so much for the children in our community and I admire you in more ways than you know. Jerold Blumstein, School Board Member Chief of Staff

The respect, reverence, and pride that the city officials showed towards you as you expressed your point of view on the issue were impressive. The way you spoke as a representative of our Superintendent and as a concerned School Board member evidenced your true desire to help. In a very short time, you are truly carving a very positive impression in our community. We are thankful for the interest you have taken in our school, listening, and acting on the issues that are important to our parents and staff. We commend you for that kind of commitment and leadership. Sincerely, Olga M. Figueras Principal

Your dedication and excellence are appreciated. Brenda Nolan Assistant Principal

Dear Dr. Karp, My deepest appreciation is for all that you do for our children. You are inspirational. Thank you, Toni Dunbar Associate Superintendent

Hi Dr. Karp and Jerold You both have added many smiles to many of my days during the past three years! As well, you have provided your shoulders to lean on, and have been patient listeners in times of trouble. I have so much respect for each of you, individually, knowing the " ins" and " outs" of school board life and how difficult it can be sometimes to do what is best and what is right. .... Susan Susan Blount, Principal

Thank you for your service and all the years of support to the arts.  It has been a great pleasure working with you over the years. Contessa S. Bryant, Principal

Thank you, Dr. Karp, for your unwavering support of ACES!! Anthony Tyrkala, Principal

I just wanted to congratulate you and thank you for all of your years of service and work on behalf of our community’s youth.  It has always been such a pleasure to work with you on important projects over the years.  I hope we can stay in touch and that our paths cross again for collaboration.  Wishing you only wonderful things in the future - MDCPS is better because of you and your contributions. Lisa Martinez

Dr. Karp, Just want to tell you that I am so proud to know you AND call you my friend. Your comments at the meeting last night truly demonstrated your commitment to all children in our district. Thank you for standing up for all of us who believe in equality of education for all students. Fondly, Kim Dr. Kim S. Rubin, Principal 

Dear Dr. Karp, Thank you for your service!  It was a pleasure to have worked with you during my time at Treasure Island Elementary.  You were always there for us and it meant a lot.  You were a true asset to the board.  Wishing you much success and happiness in your next chapter. Respectfully, Sonia Cruz, Assistant Principal

Thank you, Dr. Karp for all your support and contributions during your years of service to Miami Dade County School Board.  It was a pleasure working with you during my years of employment in the Board Office. Best Regards, Olga L. Gonzàlez, MBA District Coordinator

Dr. Karp, I wanted you to know how impressed I was with your message today. It was clear that you are a person who is contemplative and in this for the right reason. As a citizen of this great city and an employee, I just had to share this with you. Make sure you post it on your web site and maybe even send to your colleagues. So many people would benefit from the thoughts and words you shared. Again, thank you for all you do! Thank you, Carmen Carmen B. Marinelli, Ed.D.

Thank you for bringing to us a program that really help students.  R Fontana Raymond L, Fontana, Principal

Dear Dr. Karp, It has been a real pleasure to have worked with you during your tenure as a School Board member.  You are a real pro and someone I admire. John LaBonia General Manager WLRN Public Media

Thank you for all that you did and continue to do!!!!! Melanie Fishman, Principal

Dr. Karp, You have always been an inspiration, a supporter, an educator and a gentleman!! Sincerely, M Maria T. Rodriguez, Principal

Thank you for your on-going support in our students’ development. Warm regards, Mrs. Janine Townsley, Principal

Thank you and I appreciate ALL of your support!  Thank you for always doing what is right for students! Have a fantastic day, Gloria P. Barnes, Principal

Dear Dr. Karp, Thank you! "Thank you" is one of those wonderful phrases people use to express a special gratitude. But there's often a lot more to it than those two words can say... It means thank you for taking the time to show that you care. Your delivery will not be forgotten. Indeed, with words we can either bring them up, or terribly hurt our children. Words must be utilized so very carefully. To a most successful year and the bright future of our children! Dr. Karmenchu Santana-Vega Assistant Principal / Community Ed.

Thank you for all your support and contributions to the entire Biscayne Beach faculty, staff, and students. Ms. K. Villalba-Belusic, Principal

It’s been a wonderful to work with you.   Thank you for all you have done for the students and our community.  Iraida R. Mendez-Cartaya, Associate Superintendent

Thanks for all you have done in your service to students and staff here at NMB. Randy Milliken, Principal

Dr. Karp, I just wanted to offer you a huge THANK YOU for stopping by the game yesterday.  I really appreciate it and our teachers were quite honored that you took the time to stop by.  It is a testament to the dedication and passion you have for your role as a leader within our school board and educational system.  Thank you again!! Luis Bello, Principal

Dr. Karp, Thank you for honoring us with your presence this evening as we celebrated an important milestone of our school. As a genuine advocate of SAS, I truly appreciate what you do on behalf of children. I sincerely appreciate you as both a professional and as a human being. Thank you for being a passionate advocate on behalf of children. Omar Monteagudo, J.D.

Dr. Karp- thank you so much for playing a role in our first Music Extravaganza!  Your support of our music program makes such a difference. Seriously since I have started this position you have been such an advocate.  Bill Reaney Director of Music

Dear Dr. Karp, Good Morning. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to our students.  Always, Ginny Virginia Byrd

Dear Dr Karp I can't thank you enough for all you did to make that wonderful program happen today Warm regards Miriam "The question is not who is going to let me; it is who is going to stop me"-(Ayn Rand) Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff Director, Holocaust Studies Summer Teacher Institute/ School of Education

It’s been wonderful working with you. Thank you, Maria P. Costa, Principal


Marty, Thanks for standing up for us so we can stand up for our students. Karen Aronowitz, President, United Teachers of Dade

Karp’s vote for public school funding makes the grade! United Teachers of Dade (literature)

Dr. Karp, I hold you in exceptionally high regard on both a professional and personal level and know the talent and wealth of experience you bring. James R. Haj, CEO, The Children’s Trust

You mean the world to the school. I am so happy that you are part of so much of what we do. I am very grateful. Thank you. Rabbi Yitzhak Zweig, President, Talmudic University

You were perfect last night. Your words were impactful and moving. Thank you for joining us and inspiring our community to lead by example. Warmest regards, Leslie Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer

I am very impressed with your caring and concern for MDCPS students. Elaine Liftin Council for Educational Change

Dear Dr. Karp, There isn’t a sufficient number of thanks to give to you. Warmly, Eveleen Lorton The Zelda Glazer Writing Institute


This is a wonderful example of an elected official truly listening to the needs of the people he serves, which is certainly not unusual for Dr. Karp.  Thank you again. Michelle Russell Activities Director, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School

Thank you, Dr. Karp for your leadership and dedication. I want to highlight the devotion shown to our seniors and the countless celebrations and support you and your staff have shown to our elderly as well as high school completers, adult education students, and after school care kids.

Dr. Karp, I want to personally thank you for all that you have done for us at North Miami Beach Senior and everything you have done for MDCPS.  You are a remarkable person!!

Thank you for your years of service to the administrators, staff, employees, teachers, parents, and most importantly, to the heart and purpose of MDCPS…OUR STUDENTS. Thank you for your guidance! We appreciate you!

Thanks Dr. Karp for stepping up, taking action in this matter and truly being a pillar of support of Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Daniella Pierre, Employee Resources Specialist

Dear Dr. Karp, During your 16 years with Miami-Dade School Board, I have greatly admired your strong work ethic and personal integrity.  I have always found you to be the kindest human and a man who never wavered in his commitment to excellence. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to the students, parents, and employees of MDCPS. 


Mr. Karp has a solid voting record on major policy issues such as curriculum and student achievement.

Mr. Karp avoids engaging in the tedious bickering between the board’s two factions…. The Miami Herald


I was thinking about life and service to a community, positively impacting a community, the power of education, kindness, compassion. I thought about you and how you have devoted your life to doing just that. Yes, we only spoke once. But your passion left an impression. Your years of service have left an impression. So, I wanted to say thank you for caring so deeply that you were driven to serve and make a difference. Liza Weimer

Martin: I feel fortunate to be your friend. Thanks for everything. Dave David Lawrence Jr.

Dear Martin, You’re…committed, passionate and bright…and it’s clear how much you care about the kids in Miami-Dade. Warmest regards, Cori Flam Meltzer/Brad Meltzer

School Board Members

May 18, 2022 - Resolution recognizing Dr. Karp for his many years of service and dedication to the students and families of M-DCPS Video Link - The agenda item starts at 1:44:00 (one hour 45 minutes into the video) and concludes at 2:26:10 The School Board of Miami-Dade County

Words cannot express my gratitude for all that you have done for me personally and professionally. Truly, your legacy lives on in the way that you led, guided, and propelled us. Lucia Baez-Geller, School Board Member

We will always continue to see you as a brother and as a remarkable educational leader that you have been for Miami-Dade County Public Schools starting as a teacher. Dr. Lubby Navarro, District 7

You are a man of convicted faith. Family is at the foundation of what you represent. You are committed to children and service. Dr. Steve Gallon III, Vice Chair, District 1

You always were the one that tried to find the middle ground; I truly admire you because you always wanted to be the mediator to bring everyone together. You served on the Board for many years and made a positive impact on the lives of those you served. It was an honor to recognize you! Ms. Mari Tere Rojas, Chair, District 6

When you would bring your item every year, for us to understand different cultures and how we should treat each other, that was one of the delights of my year. Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall, District 2

I want to join in recognizing you, Dr. Karp, for your service, for all you’ve done for the children, for the families. Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair, District 4

You are such a remarkable husband and father. You are a representative of what a good father should be. Thank you for all your work for the School District and for the students of Miami-Dade County. Dr. Marta Perez, District 8

I know that you will continue to be an inspiration and motivation for the students, parents, and employees…Your dedication and passion for the total student is well documented and as your colleague, I applaud your untiring efforts for a better community and stronger public education system. Dr. Robert B. Ingram Miami-Dade County School Board member

On behalf of many public school supporters, thank you for your hard work. Sincerely, Janet R. McAliley Miami-Dade County School Board member

GM Martin, I hope you and all in your family are well.  I read this piece by the rabbi and thought of you and the positive changes that have come about as a result of your public service over these years; the goodness created cannot be taken away. Have a blessed week and regards to your mom. Larry Dr. Larry Feldman, School Board Chair

I am very proud of you. You're doing a great job. Dr. Michael Krop Former School Board Chair